Are You a Big C Creative?

balboa parkIf not, don’t worry. Neither am I. And that’s ok.

Several years ago, I used to introduce myself as an artist with a small a. One time someone expressed to me that she didn’t like to hear me say that. She felt I was diminishing myself by doing so. She believed I should embrace being an artist is with a capital A. But that’s not who I was, and I was perfectly happy with that.

Much like how we have become caught up with being a creative with a big C. Being that type of creative means to me that you have achieved something great and given it to the world. I think of Steve jobs and the iPhone or the writings of Maya Angelou. I realize I have not done that…yet!

And I am fine with that.

To me, being a small c creative means that you are heading in that direction. That you are taking all the necessary actions to get to that big discovery or life changing invention. It’s not that I think less of myself but instead realize that my creativity is still a work in progress.

glass palette

You don’t have to wait to create your masterpiece. Here are some ways to embrace your little c creative while working toward being a big C creative:

  • Create more little aha’s. Daily inspirations can lead to big breakthroughs. Focus on moving forward with your discovery. Every little breakthrough gets you there.
  • Build your creative dream in 5 minutes a day. You don’t have to devote large chunks of time to your creativity. Set aside just 5 minutes a day and write, paint, dance, whatever it takes to move your creativity along.
  • Have an inspired conversation. Find a friend and discuss a new creative topic or find a new person to chat with and get inspired by all they have to teach you.
  • Play like a kid. When was the last time you simply played? If you can’t remember, then get out there and do it. Play opens us up to new ideas as our imagination is stretched.
  • Be everyday creative. Find ways to infuse creativity in your daily tasks. Add a splash of color to your wardrobe, create a new recipe or find a different route to work.

How will you nurture your little c creative? 


  1. I think I’m pouring much of myself into the big C creative world — however, I know my sanity rests in the little c creative time. So I have drums, and sketches, and coloring books. They are low-stakes opportunities for me to make. It’s good!

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