Inspirit is My Word of the Year

In my last post, I wrote about my word last year and how it guided my focus. This year my word came to me quite effortlessly and when I look back I can see how I intuitively arrived at it.


The definition of inspirit is to instill courage or life into or to encourage and enliven (someone). For as long as I can remember, that’s what I do. I love to empower people to be their most creative self. I realize now that is the purpose of this blog. At first it was a way to document my way back to my creativity, but in the end, I found that it touched more than my own life. It wasn’t until recently that I realized how true this is.

After having an inspiring lunch conversation with a close friend and collaborator, he commented, “you are an inspiration.” Sure, like I mentioned, that’s what I do but rarely had I heard a compliment like that verbalized. It was a jolt that shook me to my core. Maybe I was doing something that was bigger than myself and my own creative exploration.

This was only confirmed a few short weeks later when I received a seemingly random message from a longtime blog reader. I say seemingly random because I usually know or have somehow communicated with most of my loyal readers through emails or social media. This was different, because I had no clear idea who this person was. I did some detective work and sure enough he was legit. His comment that, “your work is an inspiration” struck me. He went on in detail to describe the projects he was working on and how he was making time for his creativity.

It was at that moment that I knew this wasn’t a fluke. After a year of feeling like I wasn’t succeeding. I wasn’t where I wanted to be in my career. I hadn’t started writing that book I dreamed about. My bank account wasn’t large enough. All of that no longer matter. What really mattered was that I was touching people’s lives and some people I had never met.

That’s why inspirit as my word for the new year is such a serendipitous choice. I have heard YOU and that’s what I hope to continue to do in 2015 and beyond.

Stay tuned to the space for information on a FREE Creative Cures workbook, an e-course on Finding Your Creative Meaning and a collection of essays based on my popular Creativity is…series plus lots more inspiration to live your creativity. One dose at a time.

What’s your word for the new year and how do you plan to live it?


  1. Melanie you bring spirit/creativity to me regularly. Love your 2015 word. Good for you and good for us, the recipients.

  2. Peggy, thanks for the validation 😉

  3. Oh your word. I love it. I’m using the word inspire as my business/goal-setting focus right now. Inspirit is so much more… inspiring? 😀

    I don’t actually do a word for each year — I’ve found that I don’t attend to it much after about three months. So I do a word for each month (or two). This month’s word, as well as next month’s, is wonder. I’m really enjoying digging into that word, too. It’s so liberating for me.

  4. Mandy, I love the word of teh month idea! For me, I need the grounding power of having a word to guide me through the year.


  1. […] This year my word was inspirit. […]

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