My Creative Birthday Wish

Today is my birthday. I am another year older, and hopefully another year wiser. This year is a milestone birthday for me (I am not telling which one!), so I thought I’d make a creative birthday wish for the year ahead.

For the next year, my wish is to fully embrace my creativity and all that goes with it. With that said, here are the ways I intend to use my creativity in the upcoming year.

  • I will create a community around creativity both locally and nationally. I will work to connect with my fellow creatives both online and in person. I will treasure the insights I gain from this community and give back all I can.
  • I will share my creativity with others. I will inspire them through my writing and offer them tips to help them be more creative in the upcoming year. I will let my light shine and let it lead the way for other aspiring creatives.
  • I will express myself through my creativity. I will use it to improve my well-being and create balance in my own life. I will even explore new mediums in this quest to express myself more fully.

This my birthday wish. Well, ok 3 birthday wishes for a more creative year ahead.

  • I hope you’ll join me!


  1. Happy Birthday! I’ll look forward to seeing if your wishes come through during the year ahead. Now, where’s the cake? (-;

  2. I’m a day late … but these are wonderful birthday wishes and I hope they all come true. Three is magical, so it’s the perfect number for a birthday girl to wish. Here’s to a happy, creative, fabulous year!

  3. Well, Melanie, it seems you’re already doing all of those things. I can’t wait to see what happens when you do more! As part of your online creative community, I stand ready to help your birthday mission in any way.


  4. CJ, Jan & Patrick, Many thanks for the support! I appreciate it 🙂

  5. Hey Happy B-day, don’t blame you for not sharing the actual-not nec. I’m a Creative! Who is mostly manifesting now via writing, I was originally trained as a visual artist..anyhoo…

  6. Okay, Melanie … You just flat-out inspire me to dance beyond my “Now” into Possibility-land!

    Happy {belated} Birthday! ♥

  7. happy birthday, a month late.
    i have a blog, but it has my writing on it. you can check it out if you want:

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