New Year, New Creative Goals

As I looked at the list of my creative activities from  last year, I was startled and saddened how few there were. Yes, I started school, took a few art/jewelry classes, attended some exhibitions but none of those were planned, they just happened.

I have also mentioned in the past how much I dislike New Year’s resolutions, because, well I never have time to do them in the beginning of the year and then I just feel bad for the rest of the year because I don’t have any!

This year I’ve decided to be more intentional about my creative activities. That’s why I’ve chosen to focus on three specific creative goals. The activities for each goal are meant to not be spontaneous but involve planning and stretch my creativity in ways that may have scared me in the past.

Here they are:

  1. Learn the art of glass blowing by taking a class at the Glass Bubble Project.
  2. Try improv by taking a class at Something Dada.
  3. Write some poetry and have it critiqued during a workshop at the LIT.

As always, I’ll be blogging about my creative adventures during the year. I hope you’ll join me!

  • So what are YOUR creative goals for this year?


  1. […] few years ago, I wrote a post on my creative goals at the start of a new year. In it, I included three goals I wanted to accomplish that year. I […]

  2. […] 2011, I wrote a post on New Year, New Creative Goals. It seemed appropriate this year to revisit it and create some intentions for the upcoming year. […]

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