What is a Creative Block?

Recently, I’ve been running a little dry on ideas for this blog. So, I followed my own advice and tried to break through this block. I went for walks hoping for inspiration. I sat quietly waiting for a sign. I threw myself into other creative projects looking for a connection. And finally, I just let it go. I didn’t agonize over it anymore.

Then it hit me this morning.

When is a creative block not a block but rather just part of the incubation phase of the creative process? As a huge proponent of this process, I realized that my block was just the natural progression of my creativity. While most people look at their block as paralyzing, I just found mine uncomfortable. I was able to acknowledge that feeling, let it go and wait for my next creative blog idea to appear, which I admit I am still waiting for! But, I am confident it will be here eventually…

  • How do you handle your creative blocks?

Image Jay Marr


  1. You make a good point. If you let the block become paralyzing, it will start feeding on itself and get worse and worse, then it’s really hard to get over. I made that mistake once. I’ve found meditation is very helpful. Strangely, exercising is good too. I always get good ideas during the waterobics class. One of my favorites is just sitting with friends or family, bouncing ideas off each other.

  2. Good points! Thanks for sharing Threads…

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