When Are You Most Creative?

So, when is your most creative time? I’ve discovered that mine is at night. More like the middle of the night. I’ve found that I do my best thinking and come up with more ideas when I wake up in the middle of the night. It’s not then that the ideas percolate, but rather during the time that I am tossing and turning, trying to get back to sleep.

In the past, like most people, I would lie awake worrying. But then last year, I started to use that time more productively. I began actively focusing on ideas I was working through and that’s when the real creativity started.

I’ve come up with some of my best ideas during this time. And of course, I get up and jot down notes, because I know that once morning comes, they might be gone for good.

  • Read this article to find out how to maximize when you are most creative.


  1. I agree, obviously sending this email to you as late as I do. I get the best ideas late in the evening. But how do people who have this same schedule function in their jobs?


  1. […] your most creative time of day? First of all, let me say that I put this question in because of a blog post I wrote aboutĀ thisĀ a couple of years ago. I was curious to see if there was any connection between the time of day […]

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