Why I am Not Doing 30 Days of Creativity This Year

For the last 3 years, I’ve participated in a monthly challenge called 30 Days of Creativity. I first heard about this challenge on Twitter and since I am someone who can’t stick to anything, I thought I’d give it a try. The first year I had no idea what I was doing, so I just decided to create stuff from my daily life. Because of this, there was a paperclip braceletPost-it Art and even a coaster made from from a CD.

The second year, I thought I was being more strategic about the process, because if I learned anything from year 1, it was that I acquired 30 days of stuff! That year, I switched the emphasis to public art. Art that I could leave behind and someone else would receive as a pleasant surprise. I centered this all around the theme of Create. A simple word I’d hoped would inspire people to do more of the same.

Last year was an all around stressful year, so the day before I simply chose to work on sketchbook collages. This challenge was by far the most important for me, as I explained to the delightful Mike Brown of Brainzooming in the video clip below.

Why did I decide to not participate this year?

Well, I am not sure there really is an easy answer. For me the decision had been brewing for some time. The 30 day challenge turned into a chore for me. I found myself stressing more about it than actually enjoying it. I also realized that I didn’t need just 30 days to do something creative, I needed to be creative 365 days a year. In the last year alone, I’ve finished an altered book round robin, co-led a women’s creativity retreat, completed my right brain business plan, guest wrote several blog posts, and created a glass heart.

Creativity Summer Reading

So this year, I am devoting the month of June and the rest of the summer to enriching my knowledge of creativity by reading all the latest books that have come out in the last few years that I missed. I’m also looking for suggestions to increase my awareness of creativity and spirituality, so please leave your recommendations in the comments section.

What are you doing this summer to heighten your creativity? 


  1. The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom is a fav of mine. There’s always the age old The Artist’s Way. And right now for the creative book writer (and maybe beyond writing) I am betting that “Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasure of a Creative Life” will be the first book I ever finish and start reading all over again from the beginning.

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